As the pandemic moves tirelessly forward, it has become clear that changes are necessary within the societal construct we call civilization. For many people, this is fear-inducing. Not because they have a life bathed in the comfort of luxury and fear they will lose it. Not because they feel too much hard work has been put into their career to consider changing. Change is difficult and fear-inducing even for those stuck in a negative vicious circle. An evil you know is more comforting than an unknown future. When confronted with change, most people will fall back to what they know, where they feel comfortable. That’s because accepting to modify our habits means letting go of elements of our life that have been central to the person we have become. It’s difficult because what those changes will entail is unknown. What if things take a turn for the worst? What if I lose what I have worked for?
Let me ask you this; what if you improve your quality of life? What if a change of habit is all you need to become a better version of yourself? Change, in whatever form it comes, can be positive if you open your eyes to the possibilities it offers. This doesn’t mean rejecting everything from your past or throwing your life away to start from scratch. It only means being open-minded and alert to the possibilities a change might bring. It might be a small one, like taking ten minutes to stretch when you get out of bed. It might be large, like downsizing your home to reduce your carbon footprint. Either way, if you enter the event with an open mind and a hopeful heart, you will make the right decisions.
So, as I said at the top, changes have become necessary in our societal construct. Many inequalities have been brought to the front during the pandemic, and the change required to level those disparities is not a big stretch, but it does require that we raise our collective awareness to see and accept the alterations that need to happen.
We live in a world that is flooded with information. This creates a sense of confusion for many. The reaction to that is often a retreat into the comfort of personal beliefs or accepting outlandish explanations to otherwise simple situations. The flood of information we receive comes mostly from our digital social feeds. I believe one way to work around the overflow of information is to be the one who cultivates your social feed, not the other way around. What I mean by this is that if you scroll through your feeds absent-mindedly, you will store the information flashing before your eyes without giving it any context. This ball of information then bounces around your mind, creating confusion and fear because it has no anchor. When you nurture your digital social feeds, you become aware of its content and you can store the information you receive with more clarity.
To end this week’s blog, I challenge anyone who reads this to become more aware of the digital social feed you are exposed to. It’s a small change that can evolve into a new level of understanding of the world that surrounds us.
Remember, change is never made without inconvenience, even when it is from worse to better.
See you next week,